Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Otherworldly Experiences in the Great Outdoors

Have you ever been outdoors and felt as though you entered another world because of a change in the sunlight or your surroundings?  I was out for a trail run the other day and I experienced this very thing.  I was on the second loop of a three loop run on a local trail and, as I came around a corner of the trail, it was as if I stepped out of this world and into a completely different dimension.  It is almost indescribable with words, but I will do my best.

As I rounded that particular corner of the trail, the colors of the leaves on the trees became vibrantly bright, the trail a deep earthy brown.  The fallen leaves covering the trail in patches were deep, luxurious hues of red, brown, yellow, and gold.  A light haze had seemingly descended over the woods, though I realized within a split second that it was not a haze.  The clouds were filtering the sunlight in such a way that there was almost an eerie glow to the woods.  It was as if I were to have reached out with my hand, I could have closed my hand around the light and the air and actually grasped it.  Everything was magnified from the appearance of the forest to the sounds of the squirrels scurrying through the leaves and the birds twittering and chirping overhead.  The forest gave off a strong, earthy scent.  It was as if I had stepped through an invisible wall into the land of Narnia.  I did not recognize that part of the trail at all, even though I have run it a number of times; it was that changed by the light.  It was beautiful and mindboggling all rolled into one.  And, it didn’t last nearly long enough.  I was so enthralled, I nearly missed my next turn on the trail.  Once I followed the turn, the moment slipped through my fingers and I was back in this world.

I hoped that when I came around on the third lap that I might experience the same thing, but this was to be a one-time, one-of-a-kind experience.  It was a resplendent, stunning experience, one I will not soon forget.

What have been some of your “otherworldly” experiences in the great outdoors, whether when hiking, running, walking, or lounging?


  1. You have written a great visual description of your experience. Transcendence is something that most people do not get the opportunity to experience. Transcendence only occurs with movement whether physical or mental, and is therefore not available to sedentary people. I'm sure Lewis and Tolkien would be delighted that you were able to share the other-world realm you slipped into on this run.

    1. It was remarkable, to say the least. It reiterates to me that we are designed to move, to grow, to develop...as you said, both physically AND mentally. If we aren't doing these things, we risk becoming stagnant and static. A regularly recurring learning opportunity for me.

  2. Amazing! Thanks for sharing. I had a transcendent experience during my first 50 mile race, somewhere around mile 41-45. Like you, I had ran down that section of the trail before, but this time it felt like I stepped into a magical place that I had never been before. Sun rays shined through the forest canopy, and everything felt very warming and welcoming. There was a pure silence complimented only by my faint footsteps and the occasional rustling of leaves. The pain and fatigue I had felt from running 40+ miles no longer seemed to exist, and I felt re energized by nothing more than nature and the life it possessed, which now seemed to possess me. It was as though my body was absorbing some unknown energy, and it made me feel alive and energized and in perfect balance with my surroundings, like I had never felt before. My legs felt fresh, like I had just started running and I could run forever. I felt a deep and intense affinity for everything around me. These words don't really do it any justice, as I'm sure you can understand :)

    1. Thank you so much for sharing! You described your experience well. I think people who have experienced something similar have a better chance of understanding what others have seen, heard, and felt in those instances than if someone has never entered that state of being.

  3. I do from time to time. It's part of why I',m hook I guess.
